internal auto detailing

Top 10 Tips to Protect Your Car from the Sun and Heat

 Just like you need sunscreen to protect your sensitive skin during the harsh summer months, your car also needs protection from heat and the sun’s damaging rays.

Cars, SUVs, pickups, and other rides take a serious beating in the summer months whether they’re sitting in the parking lot at the mall or parked at the beach until the sun goes down.

Vehicles can roast in extreme heat from morning till night while you’re either at work or when you’re watching your kids at a soccer game.

There’s nothing worse than getting into a car after it’s been sitting in the sun all day long. The first thing you do is flip on the A/C to get cool. However, the sun may have already toasted the interior as well as the exterior. Be smart and be alert as to the damages the sun can cause and try to be proactive to keep these issues at bay.

No questions about it, heat – even on just an average warm day – can certainly ruin the inside and outside of any car — from its dashboards to A/C belts.

Protecting Your Vehicle

So, this summer is ahead of the game and protects your car from becoming destroyed due to the sun's intense UVA and UVB rays.

Here are 10 easy ways to keep your car, SUV, truck, or pickup looking great moving forward:

1.     Dashboard Protection: Do protect your dashboards with a dashboard mat that can be placed across from end to end to keep the sun from beating down on them. And while you’re at it, use a protectant on dashboards with a UVA/UVB block that can be applied when needed.

2.     Do Proper Checks: Have all hoses, belts, and the battery, checked regularly as these can all wear with time, as well as disintegrate from the heat which can be brutal. Follow recommendations by your vehicle's manufacturer.

3.     Install Tinted Glass: Have tinted glass installed on all windows to deflect the sun from entering and heating the interior. Tinted glass can also help block the sun while driving; think of it as sunglasses for your vehicle. Tinted glass can keep the interior of a vehicle cooler because it’s blocking out the sun.

4.     Add Paint Protection Films: Think about having paint protection film applied by a professional to ward off the heat and protect your vehicle's paint from drying out. Paint protection also helps to keep your car from fading because it has sunscreens that block out any harmful rays.

5.     Get Covered: It doesn’t hurt to invest in a good car cover to keep your car cool and protected from the sun if you don’t have a garage at home or work. The heavier the better as it will keep the car protected and from getting too hot inside and outside. A car bra for the front end is also a proactive way to keep the car cool and protected from the sun. Car mats can also fade from the sun and get trashed from water, sand, and other summer activities. Buy inexpensive mats for the summer months to protect the better ones you can put back when the cooler climes return. Do park in the shade whenever and wherever you can to keep it from getting too hot inside and outside. Be sure to crack windows open slightly when you plan to be someplace for long periods.

6.     Tire Protection: All wheels and tires need sun protection, too, as they can get extremely hot and dry out from the elements. Tires also need to be filled regularly with air as heat can deflate them after time. Check with the car’s manufacturer for the best levels for your vehicle before adding air.

7.     Proper Fluid Levels: Have all brake fluids, windshield fluids, and other car fluids checked to make sure they’re at their proper levels. Don’t let any levels dip below the manufacture’s recommendations or you could have engine trouble when you least expect it. Another important fluid is the engine’s coolant; have a professional inspect the overflow reservoir regularly for sufficient coolant levels. Also, check on oil and filters to make sure they are clean; these should be changed out between every 5,000 and 7,500  miles.

8.     Keep it Clean: Just washing, waxing, and getting your car detailed can aid in keeping it clean and the paint protected. If you do it yourself, buy something that has a sealant in it as an ingredient to keep the sun’s rays from frying the exterior paint.

9.     Convertible Care: If you have a convertible/ragtop you can buy special products to spray the top without changing its colour and to protect it from UVA/ UVB rays. There are specially formulated sprays for convertibles and ragtops to help keep it from fading out and possibly tearing. Cover seats with canvas or buy seat covers to keep them cool and from fading or drying out.

10.  Pay Attention to Seats: An excellent way to keep leather seats looking their best and safe from summer elements is to make sure they are waxed and buffed to the max. There are all kinds of leather sprays and conditioners with sun protection to keep your seats looking like they did the first time you sat in them. Check with the manufacturer of the vehicle before doing any kind of application and/or do a test sample on a place that isn’t visible before you begin.

Last Thoughts

By following these tips, you should be able to keep your vehicle looking its best and at the same time protecting it from the heat and the sun all summer long. Who knows, perhaps your vehicle won’t need to be replaced for years to come if you take proper care of it!

If you need to schedule an auto detailing for your vehicle, give Tiago’s Auto Spa a call. We are Vancouver’s premier detailing service, offering in-depth interior and exterior services.

Why You Need UV Protection for Your Car Even in Vancouver

Why You Need UV Protection for Your Car Even in Vancouver

Contrary to what most people think, cars in Vancouver still need protection against ultraviolet (UV) light. Excessive sun exposure causes harm to a car’s inside and outside, just as much as it does to our skin, wearing it down until your car looks old and worn. Although Vancouver experiences mild summers for the most part, it doesn’t mean that a car left under the sun for an extended period won’t get damaged.